Korean Desk Specialist
Interpreter and translator, Koreanologist, lecturer, entrepreneur. She has been associated with Korea for 17 years. She has been building her experience in working with Korean clients for 14 years.
She learned about Korean work culture while working as an HR specialist in the Polish branch of one of the leading corporations from the Korean Peninsula. Provides linguistic support to clients during business meetings and training (mainly in the manufacturing industry), as well as during trips and private meetings. She shares her knowledge and enthusiasm for the Korean language with adepts of Korean philology.
She willingly shares her knowledge about Korean history and traditions, as well as intercultural differences, during training for companies cooperating with Korean clients, as well as with anyone who shows a bit of interest. Be aware – you may be the next 😉
In the SPS Tax & Law team she is on the first frontline for the client but she also supports her colleagues with knowledge and experience.
She is a graduate of Korean philology at the Faculty of Modern Languages at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and postgraduate studies in Human Resources Management at the University of Economics. Author of publications on Polish-Korean economic cooperation. Speaker of the 1st Korean Congress and the Pyrkon Festival. Member of the Polish Korean Society.
Co-author of the translation into Korean of the book by Ph.D. Magdalena Tomaszewska-Bolałek “Polish culinary paths” prepared for the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
She fluently speaks Korean and English.